Replay link for my interview with Dan Miller:
Where to start?
Getting started on Amazon
FREE Amazon Seller App
Apple iOS
Arbitrage: The authoritative guide on how it works, why it works, and how it can work for you by Chris Green — This is THE book to learn about the process of taking advantage of inefficient markets to buy low and sell for a profit. Mandatory reading, if you ask me.
Thrifting For Profit — Learn about buying new and like new items at thrift stores, garage sales, library sales, and off of Craigslist and selling for great margins on Amazon and eBay. [TIP] Be sure to subscribe to the podcast.
Other Amazon selling resources
ScanPower — Premium suite of scouting tools
ScanPower Facebook Group — Meet and learn from others doing retail arbitrage to build their businesses.
Scanner Monkey — Catalog of items to “Be on the lookout for” also known as BOLO’s.
Fast Turn Radio — YouTube archive of Duane Malek‘s Fast Turn Radio weekly show about fast turning inventory
Fast Turn Radio Facebook Group — I’m an admin for this group. Feel free to contact me with questions. — Integrate Amazon Seller Central with your Dymo label printer. Makes labeling inventory a breeze. — Shipping and packaging supplies with free shipping everyday. And they are really cool people. — My friend, Ryan Grant’s blog about his online sales adventure. He quit his 50k per year job to sell online full time. He posts his monthly profit and loss statement with an explanation of what happened. Great information for both new and experienced sellers.
Getting started on eBay
eBay Mobile App — The best tool to quickly create product listings, take photos, and sell your items. Best of all, it’s FREE!
That Kat — Kat Simpson’s online selling resource site. Be sure to listen to the podcast — That Kat Radio. She usually has guests that are either sellers or service providers in the industry on the show.
The Danni App — Danni Ackerman’s eBay selling resource site. She’s able to sell for higher prices than her competitors because she’s highly niche focused.
Getting started on Etsy — Nancy Alexander has taken her love of wreath-making and turned it into a multifaceted business selling Wreaths, wreath making supplies, and wreath making plans. Great example of where you can take your Etsy business.
Liberty Jane Clothing — This is the website of the guy I mentioned in the interview who’s wife makes doll clothing. They realized they couldn’t scale up as long as she was making all of their products. They expanded to selling PDF plans and supplies for making doll clothes. Another great example of where a business based on crafts and art and go with a little planning.
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